- September 2023: I joined Sanmi Koyejo's lab as a Visiting Student Researcher at Stanford University!
- September 2023: Invited to serve as reviewer at ICLR2024 and UniReps Neurips Workshop
- July 2023: WiMA accepted at ICCVW!
- June 2023: I'll soon be a Visiting Student Researcher at Stanford University under the guidance of Prof. Sanmi Koyejo!
- April 2023: Invited to serve as reviewer at NeurIPS2023, IEEE Internet of Things Journal and ECML Workshop
- February 2023: Invited to serve as reviewer at ICML2023
- January 2023: I am part of the committee of the Women in Computer Vision Workshop at ICCV23!
- December 2022: Invited speaker at the Fall School of the National PhD in Industry 4.0 at Politecnico di Torino, Italy
- October 2022: Invited speaker at the Machine Learning Operations Summer School at the Technical University of Denmark, Copenaghen, DK
- August 2022: Very satisying year! 4 works on Federated Learning accepted at ECCV, WACV, IROS and ICPR!