
I am a 4th-year PhD student in the ELLIS VANDAL lab at Politecnico di Torino, Italy. I am supervised by Professor Barbara Caputo and advised by Dr. Marco Ciccone. I'm currently visiting Stanford University advised by Prof. Sanmi Koyejo.

My research focuses on trustworthy machine learning, with a specific focus on Federated Learning (FL) and fairness, studied through the lens of the loss landscape.

I received my Master's and Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering from Politecnico di Torino with maximum grade, completing them in 2020 and 2018 respectively. It was during my Master's thesis titled Towards Real World Federated Learning that I gained my initial hands-on experience with FL. Under the guidance of Prof. Barbara Caputo (Politecnico di Torino), Prof. Fabio Galasso (Sapienza University of Rome) and Dr. Massimiliano Mancini (University of Tübingen), we modeled the interactions among groups of similar clients through a graph-based approach.

I am a proud member and past President of the Mu Nu Chapter of IEEE Eta Kappa Nu, the honor society of IEEE.

Research interesets

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize numerous domains, but concerns regarding fairness and responsibility have emerged as critical considerations. Developing AI algorithms that are fair, accountable, and socially responsible is imperative for mitigating biases and ensuring equitable outcomes. In my current research, I focus on leveraging Federated Learning (FL) as a powerful paradigm to reach such goals. FL aims to learn a global model from disparate users' data, while respecting the privacy regulations in force. Looking at realistic scenarios, my main efforts aim to

  • Learn models providing fair predictions to the entire data distribution, e.g., not biased towards some less represented demographic groups.
  • Broaden the horizons of applicability of FL to real-life vision tasks, such as autonomous driving, or image geo-localization, while introducing realistic constraints, e.g., the absence of labeled data.

For more info and published papers, please visit the Research page.


  • September 2023: I joined Sanmi Koyejo's lab as a Visiting Student Researcher at Stanford University!
  • September 2023: Invited to serve as reviewer at ICLR2024 and UniReps Neurips Workshop
  • July 2023: WiMA accepted at ICCVW!
  • June 2023: I'll soon be a Visiting Student Researcher at Stanford University under the guidance of Prof. Sanmi Koyejo!
  • April 2023: Invited to serve as reviewer at NeurIPS2023, IEEE Internet of Things Journal and ECML Workshop
  • February 2023: Invited to serve as reviewer at ICML2023
  • January 2023: I am part of the committee of the Women in Computer Vision Workshop at ICCV23!
  • December 2022: Invited speaker at the Fall School of the National PhD in Industry 4.0 at Politecnico di Torino, Italy
  • October 2022: Invited speaker at the Machine Learning Operations Summer School at the Technical University of Denmark, Copenaghen, DK
  • August 2022: Very satisying year! 4 works on Federated Learning accepted at ECCV, WACV, IROS and ICPR!